Thursday, June 6, 2024

Spring 2024 was slightly cooler and drier than normal in Victoria

 Meteorological spring is from March 1 to May 31.  Overall, spring 2024 was slightly cooler and slightly drier than normal.

The mean temperature at Victoria Gonzales this past spring was 9.9 degrees, which is slightly cooler than the 30-year average of 10.1 C.  The average daily maximum for spring 2023 was 13.3 degrees , while the average daily minimum was 6.6.  March was 0.2 degrees C warmer normal, while April was 0.2 degrees C below normal and May was 0.5 degrees C below normal.  

The chart below shows the daily maximum and minimum temperatures at Victoria Gonzales during spring 2024, compared with the 30-year averages.  Temperatures were generally fairly close to normal for the first half of the spring.  There were two notable warm spells: one in mid-March and a second in early to mid-May.  Aside from the warm spell, temperatures in May were a bit below normal. The warmest temperature was 26.8 C on May 10.  The coldest temperature was 0.0 C on March 5.  Victoria Gonzales averages is 0.7 days with temperatures at or below 0 during the spring.

Spring 2024 was slightly drier than normal in Victoria, with 105.8 mm of rain compared with the normal 115.4 mm.  March was drier than normal, April was slightly drier than normal, but May was wetter than normal, helping to make up part of the seasonal shortfall.

There were 26 days with measurable rainfall during spring 2024, compared with the normal of 33 days.  There were 9 days in March (normal 14.5), 9 days in April (normal 10.3), and 8 days in May (normal 8.4).  The wettest day was May 21, when 16.8 mm of rain fell.

The chart below shows daily precipitation during spring 2024, and compares the cumulative precipitation with the 30-year average.  Precipitation tracked below average throughout most of the spring, but it almost caught up with normal during the wetter period in late May.  

Overall, spring 2024 was close to normal sunshine: March was a little sunnier than normal, while April was a little cloudier.  There were more mostly sunny days than normal, but also more mostly cloudy days.  There were 35 mostly sunny days (normal 29), 29 partly cloudy days (39 normal ), and 28 mostly cloudy days (normal 24).